Conflicting class names between hadoop-common and incubator-tez

classlines of codecommitsfirst commitlast commitalso present in (lines of code there)
org.apache.hadoop.CustomOutputCommitter 85 85 2 1 2011-08-25 2013-04-18 2011-08-25 2013-04-18 tez (85)    
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.WrappedJvmID 30 30 1 1 2011-08-25 2013-04-18 2011-08-25 2013-04-18 tez (30)    
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.WrappedPeriodicStatsAccumulator 33 33 2 1 2011-08-25 2013-04-18 2011-08-25 2013-04-18 tez (33)    
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.WrappedProgressSplitsBlock 67 67 3 1 2011-08-25 2013-04-18 2011-09-09 2013-04-18 tez (67)    

Last modified: 2014/03/23 01:57:33