Conflicting class names between felix and derby

classlines of codecommitsfirst commitlast commitalso present in (lines of code there)
org.osgi.framework.AdminPermission 1004 406 16 2 2006-08-10 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2013-05-28
org.osgi.framework.AllServiceListener 60 65 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.Bundle 1243 1120 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23 sling (1215)    
org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator 86 89 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.BundleContext 864 825 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.BundleEvent 235 217 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.BundleException 235 106 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.BundleListener 47 49 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.BundlePermission 584 584 5 2 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2013-05-28
org.osgi.framework.Configurable 50 53 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.Constants 1703 1109 8 1 2008-10-10 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.Filter 137 125 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.FrameworkEvent 244 208 7 1 2008-10-10 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.FrameworkListener 48 51 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil 2111 147 9 2 2006-08-10 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2013-05-28
org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException 120 121 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.PackagePermission 777 541 5 2 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2013-05-28
org.osgi.framework.ServiceEvent 143 138 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory 114 100 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.ServiceListener 62 66 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.ServicePermission 910 508 5 2 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2013-05-28
org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference 182 180 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration 109 113 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.SynchronousBundleListener 65 55 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23
org.osgi.framework.Version 398 354 5 1 2010-03-24 2009-01-23 2012-05-11 2009-01-23

Last modified: 2014/03/23 01:57:33